Jennifer Watson

Jennifer Watson


In the words of David Allan Coe, "If that ain't country, I'll kiss your a--".  At a Test and Tune in Gun Barrel City, TX, I decided to hop on the extra mower my boyfriend, Jesse Vick had fixed up to sell.  I took a few laps around the track in second gear to get the feel of it, then decided I needed to give it a go in 4th (5th was off limits at that time).  And, y'all, I had the best time!!!  As Jesse cinched up my helmet, I fell like I was a kid again with my dad putting me on one of our 3-wheelers.  I "raced" around that track by myself and felt like it was really moving,.. only to realize that my "fast" was S-L-O-W in comparison to Jesse and Cutter's mowers.  As I called my mom to tell her, she understandably was not one bit enthused, but she said she figured it was coming, "I should've known one day I would get this call.  You are a Watson after all."  My dad used to race boats and my brother raced cars.  I did see, as I got off the track, the time was 2:32 pm.  Many of my friends know that number is significant to my bother as he was the 232nd organ donor of 2014.  I had to smile and say, "I know you saw that Timothy."  So, my first race was March 23, 2024 in Gun Barrel City, TX.  If my dad were still here, he would already be at the track waiting to be my crew chief.


Gun Barrel City - March 23, 2024GPS600
Madisonville - Mud Bug Festival - April 13, 2024GPS545
Gun Barrel City - May 18, 2024GPS535
Gun Barrel City - June 22, 2024GPS590
USLMRA Nationals Race - Day 1GPS50
USLMRA Nationals Race - Day 2GPS50