Waylon Gierisch

Waylon Gierisch


I am Waylon Gierisch and I am from Wortham, TX. I have raced four-wheelers in the past and am now racing lawnmowers. My first races was at Camp Shayla in Wortham, TX on December 14, 2019 and I race in the A/P Class.


Camp Shayla – Wortham, TX 09-12-2020AP300
Camp Shayla – Wortham, TX 09-12-2020FXT660
Camp Shayla – Wortham, TX 10-17-2020AP300
Camp Shayla – Wortham, TX 10-17-2020FXT615
Crossroads Cowboy Church 3-6-2021AP0
Crossroads Cowboy Church 3-6-2021FXT0
Gun Barrel City, TX 3-27-2021AP0
Gun Barrel City, TX 3-27-2021FXT0
Gun Barrel City, TX 6-26-2021AP0
Gun Barrel City, TX 6-26-2021FXT0
Hamilton, TX 7-3-2021AP0
Hamilton, TX 7-3-2021FXT0
Kendall County Fairgrounds 9-4-2021AP0
Kendall County Fairgrounds 9-4-2021FXT0
Kendall County Fairgrounds 9-5-2021AP0
Kendall County Fairgrounds 9-5-2021FXT0
Camp Shayla - Wortham, TX 12-14-2019AP600