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Bobby Lechinger

Bobby Lechinger


I am from Madisonville, TX. I built my GPS racing mower and my first race with the LSMRA was in Gun Barrel City, TX (our home track) in October 2023. It took a couple of races to get all of the bugs worked out, but … that is part of racing. I've got somestiff competition, but I say "Bring It"!


2024 Race #1GPS0
2024 Race #2GPS400
2024 Race #3GPS210
Gun Barrel City - March 23, 2024GPS240
Madisonville - Mud Bug Festival - April 13, 2024GPS580
Gun Barrel City - May 18, 2024GPS530
Gun Barrel City - June 22, 2024GPS535
USLMRA Nationals Race - Day 1GPS50
USLMRA Nationals Race - Day 2GPS50